Box Bodies
Alloy panel box body with
radius corners, fibreglass
roof, rear widelath shutter
and fitted with a taillift.


Mobile Workshop Bodies
GRP Box body with radius corners,
fibre glass roof, rear roller shutter
and fitted with a taillift


       Insulated Bodies
Insulated box body fitted with a
temperature control unit.


Frail Bodies
Specialist glass carrying body.



Beavertail with hydraulic beaver designed
to carry tractors & general plant and fitted
with front mounted loader.


Specialist body with mobile workshop
built to carry recreational / landscape



Curtainsider Built to brewery
type specification


Alloy dropsider fitted with taillift



Alloy treble dropside fitted
with rear mounted loader


Brewery Bodies
Treble dropsider constructed
to carry brewery products




Small/Medium Tippers
Steel tipping body fitted with
an underfloor tipping gear.



Large Tippers
Scowend rock carrying tipping body.


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