Box BodiesAlloy panel box body withradius corners, fibreglassroof, rear widelath shutterand fitted with a taillift.
Mobile Workshop BodiesGRP Box body with radius corners, fibre glass roof, rear roller shutterand fitted with a taillift
Insulated BodiesInsulated box body fitted with atemperature control unit.
Frail BodiesSpecialist glass carrying body.
BeavertailsBeavertail with hydraulic beaver designedto carry tractors & general plant and fittedwith front mounted loader.
SpecialistSpecialist body with mobile workshopbuilt to carry recreational / landscape machinery
CurtainsidersCurtainsider Built to brewery type specification
DropsidesAlloy dropsider fitted with taillift
LoadersAlloy treble dropside fitted with rear mounted loader
Brewery BodiesTreble dropsider constructedto carry brewery products
Small/Medium TippersSteel tipping body fitted withan underfloor tipping gear.
Large TippersScowend rock carrying tipping body.